How to delete product template? (inkXE Version 8.5.0 onwards)

How to delete product template? (inkXE Version 8.5.0 onwards)

To delete product template,

        1.  Open inkXE Admin.
        2. Go to Products in the toolbar towards the left and select Product List from the drop down.
        3. The product list will appear towards the right. Select your product.
        4. Move to the right and click Product Name & Image.
        5. Click Add/Edit Product Image.
        6. A pop up screen will appear where you can toggle the mouse to delete your product by clicking the Delete option.

         7. A Confirm/Cancel notification will appear on the screen. 
         8. Click Confirm.

  You product template has been deleted. 

NOTE: If your customer was using a product template at the time when you deleted it, she/he won't be able to proceed with the order unless the product was already added to cart.