How to configure print area: irregular shape? (inkXE Version 8.5.0 onwards)

How to configure print area: irregular shape? (inkXE Version 8.5.0 onwards)

To configure shape printing area for irregular shapes,

TIP: Supported format is svg.

1. Open inkXE Admin.
2. Go to Products in the toolbar towards the left and select Product List from the drop down.
3. The product list will appear towards the right. Select your product.
4. Click on Shape Printing Area from the drop-down section of Decoration area type towards the right.
5. Click Create Custom Mask located under Select decoration area 

6. A popup named Configure Custom Mask will open. Click Add Mask.
7.  Upload the SVG mask and set properties, such as, mask name, width, height, price, etc., and click on the Save icon. 

8. Close the popup. 

You can view the newly configured mask from the dropdown section of Select decoration area.