How to add pre-decorated product template as product? (inkXE Version 8.5.0 onwards)
To add pre-decorated product template as product,
Note: Before moving on with the steps, you need to create pre-decorated product template. For this, go to Product>>Product List>>Product Page>>Create pre-decorated product.
2. Go to Products in the toolbar towards the left and select Pre-Decorated products from the drop-down.
3. A new page will appear where you hover the mouse to choose from a list of your pre-decorated products that you can add it as a product in your Ecommerce store.
4. Click Add As Product.
5. A new page will appear. Set properties of selected pre-decoretd product such as name, sku, description, color, etc.
6. Click Save.
NOTE: Once your product is saved, you will be asked if you would like to add another color and size. If yes, click on Add another color variant.